Friday, January 17, 2014

4. Quinoa broccoli soup

This was a tasty but not brilliant soup. I toasted some quinoa in a skillet, just a handful, then added it to boiling chicken stock (which I made from the whole chicken I roasted the other day.) While the quinoa was cooking, I browned some onions. When the grain was almost done (I didn't know how long it took since I've never used it before), I added some poblano peppers and broccoli. At the end I put in the browned onions and some shredded chicken breast. Seasoning was salt, peppers, and a little juice from a can of chipotles.

The broccoli did not really blend well into the soup, because I left it in pieces that were too large. The onions could have been fully carmelized first. The broth and grain were tasty, though. I found myself working through the other contents of the soup to eat the best part: the savory broth and quinoa.

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